

I am Neville Forrest MRICS. I am a Freelance consultant surveyor based in London. Welcome!

This site is aimed at charities, health providers and media companies that are struggling with the complexities of office leases and office moves. It seeks to provide helpful hints and information and no more! It is a free resource and suggestions are given strictly without liability but in good faith.

You are most welcome to browse the site or contact me for a no-obligation chat.

Are you struggling to find economical offices? Is VAT on rent an issue for you? Is the issue ending your current lease commitments effectively? Do you need help finding a suitable agent to move you to larger or smaller offices?

This site will direct you to people and resources that can help. Although the content I provide is aimed mainly at the not-for-profit sector, a lot of the hints, tips and guidance apply to ALL office Leases.


Go to TV, Film & Media

Is the issue ending a lease, a rent review or dilapidations?

Problem solving for Charities or Health providers

What do clients say?

Here are some other helpful experts

Neville’s contact details

Neville Forrest MRICS
Specialist in offices for charities, media and health companies

07770 477166